Affirmations are so important in helping to heal our relationships with ourselves. Our minds produce so much negative self talk that is often so loud we don’t hear, or realize, the GOOD and WONDERFUL things about ourselves.
Take a moment to read my ‘How to Create Positive Affirmations” post! It will give you some more insight into why affirmations are so important, how to identify negative self talk, and what scenarios to use affirmations in!
Personally, I think having about 5-10 affirmations is a great place to start. I have eight that I am currently reciting daily. Remember that affirmations are not what you believe about yourself in the moment, but instead are thoughts that you WANT to have about yourself; thoughts that you want ingrained in your brain that are there to fight the negative ones.
Affirmation Ideas
- My body is beautifully and wonderfully made.
- I accept my body for what it is.
- My body does amazing things for me daily.
- I was created exactly how I was meant to be created.
- My body keeps me alive and healthy.
- My body is beautiful no matter what.
- My body was created by God.
- My body was designed to handle food, emotions and stress.
- I accept that I am beautiful.
- I accept that my body, and every body on earth, was designed differently.
- Fear holds me back from doing the things that I want to do in life.
- I can do hard things.
- I can face challenges with a calm mind.
- My emotions do not control me.
- My limitations do not define me.
- I am strong.
- I am capable.
- I am resilient.
- I am a hard worker.
- I am smart and can figure things out.
- I am a good person.
- I am worthy to feel my emotions.
- My emotions are valid.
- I am worthy to be on this planet.
- I am worthy to speak my mind.
- My voice matters.
- I deserve to be heard.
- I can set boundaries with others.
- Other’s opinions of me do not define me.
- God is in control of my life.
- I can let go of control and be okay.
- I am peaceful.
- I am content.
- I am loved.
- I was created with a purpose.
- My existence on this planet is important.
- I stand up for myself.
- I voice my opinions without fear of the fallout.
- I am beautiful.
- I trust myself.
- I trust the body that God created for me to inhabit.
- I am a unique child of God.
- I am confident in who I was created to be.
- I will make the most of new opportunities
- I feel joy and love in my life for myself.
- I am in control of my reactions
- I can make positive decisions
- I can make healthy decisions
- I choose what would make future me proud today.
- I choose to make today great, no matter the circumstances.
- My past does not define me.
- My purpose in this world is a good one.
- I am gorgeous and confident in who I am.
- I appreciate my physical body.
- I treat my body and mind well by feeding it what it needs when it needs it.
- I am a conqueror.
- I am a mighty warrior.
- I am a good person.
- I fight for what I believe in.
- Fear does not control me.
- I will choose myself over my fears today.
- I am valuable.
- I am new in Christ.
- I am enough.
- My mind is strong and resilient.
- My past hurts do not control me today.
- I can make financially smart decisions.
- I can make decisions that make me happy.
- Others do not control my happiness.
- I cannot control other’s reactions.
- I will not worry about other’s opinions of me today.
- My body is a temple.
- My boundaries are important and are to be respected by all.
- I can set boundaries without consequence to my mental health.
- Boundaries with others are essential and necessary.
- Peace will flow throughout my mind and body today.
- I am a strong child of God.
- God is my healer.
- God is my director.
- God loves me more than I could ever imagine.
- God created me with a specific purpose on this earth.
- God is always with me.
- God is my protector in all situations.
- God always hears me.
- My voice matters on this earth.
- I am capable of doing hard things.
- I am capable of handling hard emotions.
- I will feel emotions today instead of distract from them.
- My emotions are valid and necessary.
- I am loved by my Father.
- I am accepted by my Father.
- I am held by by Father always and forever.
- I can do anything that the Father asks of me.
- I love myself and who I was created to be.
- I am allowed to cry and to feel.
- I am productive.
- I can do things that I don’t think I can do.
- Fear is lying to me about my potential.
- I am a child of God.
- I am worthy of the purpose that God has called me to.
If you’re interested, I also have a few other articles and devotionals that you might be interested in! Check them out below:
Creating your own Positive Affirmations
Read the New Testament in 1 Year
I hope that these ideas were helpful! Let me know your positive affirmations below that you are going to start saying!
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I am ALWAYS praying for y’all. Feel free to reach out if you need to chat, want help writing your own affirmations, or if you have a prayer request. I love to hear from y’all!