Psalms 119: 10-16- “I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Praise be to you Lord; teach me with your decrees. With my lips I recount all the laws that come from your mouth. I rejoice in following your statues as one rejoices in great riches. I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways.”

Our world continually throws priorities in our face. 

“To have perfect skin you have to be following THIS routine morning and night!” 

“To get to that ‘perfect’ weight you have to eat exactly this way!” 

“To be a good mom you have to feed them organic meat, and keep up with their school work and have them in every extra curricular activity!” 

And if you’re a woman, you know that I could just keep writing. Instagram and other media tell us what our priorities should be all the time. Most of them focus on how we look or how others perceive us. We are constantly striving to reach the perfection that other people tell us about. We are constantly asked to make everything else a priority- except the one priority that actually matters: spending time with God. 

Do you feel like you truly seek God with all of your heart? Do you spend time with Him? Do you spend time in the Bible meditating and reading God’s words? Do you turn to God with your daily worries and thoughts?

Let me be clear- I am in NO WAY trying to shame anyone. I understand- because I am right there with you. I don’t prioritize God in my life like I should either. Because, like most of you, I am also trying to keep up with what the world tells me are my priorities instead of what God has told me is my priority. 

Our individual relationship with God is the most important relationship in our lives. And yet… we often don’t treat it with the reverence that it deserves. We treat our relationship with God as an afterthought instead of a non-negotiable. 

“I’ll start my devotional and prayer time tomorrow” 

“Where do I even start with a devotional… I don’t even know how to do that effectively.”

“Meditate with God? What does that even mean?”

So often we let these kinds of questions stop us from even trying to spend time with God. Because it’s not a step by step process that Instagram has laid out for us, we don’t know where to start. And instead of trying, we just constantly shift it to the side.

Instead of making it an afterthought, commit the next 7 days to making your relationship with the Lord a priority in your life. For most of us, that means that we WILL have to get up earlier. Our world does keep us busy. And doing all of those busy world things isn’t a bad thing! It becomes a problem when it takes priority over God. Choosing to get up 30 minutes earlier, or have a bedtime 30 minutes earlier to get your time with God in during your day is going to change your life in ways you won’t believe. 

When God is your priority every day, your focus automatically shifts. With that shift in focus comes a shift in attitude, perspective and thoughts. And that shift changes you! You’ll look back 6 months from now and not recognize your thoughts, patterns or behaviors. You’ll be changed. 

When you turn to God as your priority, all of those other worldly priorities that you used to constantly worry about will start to seem less important too. The ‘perfect weight’ that you are seeking will be less important when you let God take control. And he will teach you that you are beautifully and wonderfully made. You will learn your value to Him and how much He loves you. You’ll learn that you have more to offer this world than a pretty face- but that you have a purpose that is so much greater! And it won’t just be this logical knowledge, but a spiritual change. It will be a change of heart and mindset that will keep those thoughts that terrorize you, constantly comparing you to others, guilting you and shaming you at bay. 

The change in your mind when you prioritize God will take more than a week of devotionals and more than the occasional prayer. It will take a consistent prioritization of God in your life to feel the spiritual changes of God being in control, of God being the center, of God being your priority. 

Need a shift in your thought patterns? Look up. Look up to your creator. Come home to Him. He desperately wants a relationship with you, not the occasional nod in His direction.

To read more devotionals, please visit my devotional tab up top!

If you are in Eating Disorder Recovery (or want to be) please make sure to read my Eating Disorder Recovery testimony. I also have other Eating Disorder and devotional items in my shop– ready to download now! I have published 2 15 day devotionals for those with Eating Disorders, or women suffering with anxiety or other mental health conditions.

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