In recovery, one of the hardest things to listen to is other people’s new year’s resolutions about changing their bodies or loosing weight. Another one of the challenging things to see is ALL the dieting ads and diet culture talk spewed from social media and TV. It’s a lot to take in! As someone who doesn’t suffer from an ED that manifested from body image or the urge to loose weight, these ads and this kind of talk makes me very angry.
I am beautiful, and so is everyone that God created. No matter what body size we are, we are beautiful. The fact that the media repeatedly likes to remind us that we will never be ‘good enough’ for the world no matter what we do is disheartening. It’s also one of the biggest lies that we believe as women.
So, I’ve got a few tips on how to respond to and deal with diet culture talk that might come up in your life! Going into 2021 with the mindset that you have the power to allow, or not allow, certain things to be said around you is strength!
First, do a Social Media Audit
Look at the people you are following on social media. Even if they are really good friends, or influencers that you look up to, if they are talking about diet culture in a way that is negatively affecting you, or causing you to compare yourself, unfollow them. What we see on social media DOES have an impact on us! Don’t make a scene about it, just unfollow these people that have toxic diet culture talk, pictures or ads.
What we feed our minds is so important. Feeding our minds more of the things that cause us to have negative thoughts about ourselves is counter productive.
Worried about hurting someone’s feelings? Chances are that they won’t even know that you unfollowed them. If they do bring it up, say with honesty and love that the content they were posting was triggering to you because it was about diet culture. If they get angry then chances are you didn’t need that person in your life anyway.
Second, Follow some Body Positive and Christian Accounts
Fill your social media newsfeed with positive energy this year. I’m posting some of my absolute favorite accounts to follow below! These are body positive, affirmation, anti diet culture instagram accounts! (And don’t forget to follow me @heightsinheels for daily posts too!)
By feeding your mind this positivity, you are creating a nurturing environment for your mind to start to heal in. If you feed it positive things, you will get positive thoughts back! You will be shocked at the lack of comparison when you let go of looking at toxic diet culture daily!
Third, Write Affirmations…. and actually say them daily!
I have TWO blog posts on the importance of affirmations in recovery. When we say it and write it and read it we are reinforcing it in our minds!
Need help writing these affirmations? Here is a post on How to Write your Own Affirmations!
Want a list of 100 Christian Affirmations? Here you go!
You have to choose to be your own cheerleader. You can have a lot of people around you cheering you on too, but choosing to cheer on yourself by using affirmations will be such a huge shift in mindset.
What to Do if People are talking about Dieting IN PERSON
This is such a tricky situation. And I know that it is difficult. But… just because it’s challenging doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t speak up.
I was at a yoga class one time and there was a big conversation about dieting happening. As I sat there and listened to it, my anger grew. But I also felt sorry for these women, for their need to prove to each other and to the others in the class that they were on a diet. That they were trying to ‘fix’ themselves. They were talking about their favorite ‘diet foods’ and since most of the class was participating in the conversation at this point, I took a deep breath and said, “My favorite food is cookies.” That one comment shut the entire conversation down.
I didn’t belittle the ladies that were speaking. I just spoke my truth. My favorite food IS cookies. But the point that I made was that not all of us are on diets or are comfortable with the conversation happening.
The biggest take away from this is that you need to speak up in situations. People don’t need to know your whole story (unless you choose to share it), nor do you need to justify WHY the conversation is making you uncomfortable.
If the people around you do not take cues from what you have said previously, or you have a friend/family member that is constantly talking about diets in person, you have to speak up with clearer boundaries.
Boundaries are essential and important in ALL of your relationships.
Telling a friend, co-worker or family member that talking about dieting is triggering for you or that you don’t believe in diet culture therefore do not want to talk about it, is a perfectly acceptable boundary to set. And it NEEDS to be respected.
People will slip. People will mess up. Always, give grace. But then put out the gentle reminder about the boundary as soon as it is crossed.
Speaking up and filling your mind with positivity and love is how you can stop diet culture from its attack on your mind. With every post that you see, and every word that you speak, let it be done with love towards yourself and your body. These actions will give you confidence in yourself!
I know it’s hard, but fighting diet culture is so essential in our society. Show your ED, and the disordered eating industry who is in charge this year. Because it’s not them. This year use your voice and your presence to help stop this toxic diet filled environment.
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