Having a hard day, week, or month happens. Emotions and situations get so overwhelming and as a protection mechanism, our minds start doing some interesting things to help us when we are overwhelmed.
My mind, like many others, starts making to-do lists and action plans. Trying to control everything around me and appear ‘fine’ is one of my most used coping mechanisms.
On the exact opposite side of things, sometimes my mind forces me to shut down completely, simply laying around, distracting myself with TV or social media in between naps.
When our minds start to take us down these paths of distraction from issues as a coping mechanism, we are missing the spiritual element of healing. This is why we often feel like something is missing, that there is this unfillable void inside that we can’t seem to do anything about no matter how hard we try.
Turning to God in these moments, even when we don’t know what to say is an essential part of healing during these difficult times.
Romans 8:26-27- ” In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.”
When you have no words to pray, fall to your knees and open up your arms. Surrender to Him. The Spirit will pray for you. No matter what your situation, or your hardship, the Spirit knows us so intimately and so well that He will always be able to pray for us.
It’s in that surrender, in that Holy place of faith that we will find that peace that we are searching for. In those wordless moments with God where you are laid bare before him, your entire soul in His hands, that He will speak to you in the most profound ways.
Often, God brings us to these moments to strengthen our relationship with Him. To show us that HE us in ultimate control. That HE is our Father, and that He cares about us more than we will ever know. Feeling His love so purely in those moments of complete surrender will help you to get up and keep fighting the good fight.
You don’t have to have words. You don’t have to pray the perfect prayer. Those are never the expectations when you come before God. (We often put these expectations on ourselves though!) You simply have to show up. Give your mind, body and spirit over to Him and see how he speaks to you and heals your spirit in ways that those other coping mechanisms that you’ve been turning to for so long never have.
Life happens. Emotions and situations get overwhelming and our souls get heavy. That is part of living this amazing life on this planet. It’s okay to feel this way. Your feelings are always valid and God cares about each of them deeply. He wants to heal you. He wants to talk with you one on one. To do that, YOU have to take the first step and come to Him. You have to be willing to come before Him in all of your desperation and with all of your thoughts and feelings. Even when you don’t know what to say, choosing to come to Him and sit at His feet for a little while, in meditation with Him will heal your soul.
This doesn’t mean that the situation will automatically be fixed, or the thoughts that are racing through your mind will cease. It does mean that you will have peace in the knowledge that God holds that situation fully in His hands and it’s all in His control. That’s where TRUE peace comes from- the acceptance of God’s full control over your life. When you can accept that, and stop fighting against that control by constantly trying to distract yourself from these overwhelming emotions, you will be able to find peace in ALL situations, even the overwhelming ones. Even the ones where you can’t speak. Peace will speak into your spirit.
Today, choose to come before the Lord with your soul laid bare. See what He brings up, see what He heals, listen to everything that He says. He will speak to you in a way that you will know, without a doubt, that it is Him.
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