Last year, my resolution was to read the entire New Testament… and I DID it!! (Click ‘New Testament if you want to start that challenge now!) I am so excited that I completed that goal!
This year, instead of setting a new year goal, I’m setting a 2 year goal: Read the Old Testament. The Old Testament is SO MUCH LONGER than the New Testament. I know that, logistically, I can’t finish the Old Testament in a year…. and that’s okay.
As I was thinking about how to organize my Old Testament Reading Goals and how to keep track of everything, I’ve come up with a solution.
First, I’ve got calendars! I’ve printed these off and written the month and the dates on them. (You can download these for FREE below!)
Second, I wanted a Biblical Habit Tracker so that I could not only track my bible reading time, but also my prayer time, quiet time, and any other habit. The ‘Other’ habit is completely up to you! (You can get that here!)
Third, I created this Old Testament Tracker so that I can see how much I’ve read and make chapters off as I read them! (You can get that here!)
Here is a video of my New Years Resolution! (Don’t worry… this isn’t taking you to another site! You can just watch it here!) It’s going to show you the calendar, habit tracker and the Old Testament tracker in action. I’m going to be posting updates and reels on both Instagram (@heightsinheels) and on TikTok (@heightsinheels) if you want to join there!
Next, I created a notebook with looseleaf paper so that I can write as I read. I’m starting with Exodus because I read Genesis in October/November. Here is how I’m organizing my New Testament Notebook, as well as what I learned about Exodus Chapter 1.
I hope that these resources help you to create an amazing Bible Reading experience this year! If you want devotionals or bible studies, make sure to check out my shop! I also write monthly bible studies that I send out in emails, so don’t forget to subscribe before you go!
Great content! Keep up the good work!