Want to start at the beginning? Click here to read my Eating Disorder Recovery Devotional- Day 1: Transformation.

Proverbs 19:21- “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”

Eating Disorder Recovery Devotional Plans Courage Change Bible Scriputre

Maybe I should quit my job? Maybe start an etsy shop? I’ve had this job for years, I can’t leave.” We are full of thoughts, thoughts that we think will ‘fix us’ or make us magically not have an issue in our lives anymore. We think that if we could just change that ONE thing in our lives that causes us so much stress and anxiety (such as your job) then we would be all better. That then we would have the strength to fix ourselves.

Eating Disorder Recovery Devotional Purpose Scripture

But, here’s the thing. We can’t fix ourselves. There is no magic fix. There is nothing that we could possibly plan that could make our brains hardwiring different. But the Lord, His plan is to help you. His plan includes so much more for you than you could ever dream. Maybe even full healing.

Eating Disorder Recovery Devotional Perspective Purpose Bible Scripture Study

All of these thoughts that run through our head about how we plan to live our lives, without careful consideration and prayer can keep you from fulfilling what God actually wants you to accomplish with your life. What God actually has meant for YOU, not for the instagram model, or the influencer, or the lady living next door.

We often think that our plans should look like someone else’s. “They look happy, so if I do what they are doing I’ll be happy too.” We start trying to copy what others are doing and it doesn’t work for us. We feel like we’ve failed. We cannot be anyone else on this planet except who we are. And God has a purpose for your life that does not look or sound like anyone else’s.

Eating Disorder Recovery Devotional Scripture Bible Study Overwhelming Emotions Control

In life, we have this stress, anxiety, and depression all because we want control over the plan. We have to learn to let go of that control so that God can work in our lives. And if we hold onto that control too tightly, God is going to step in in some way in your life and turn it upside down so that you HAVE to let go. Because God’s plan for your life is so big, and your purpose is so important, that He will get your attention somehow.

Eating Disorder Recovery Devotional Courage to follow his plan Scripture Bible Study

Ask the Lord today what HE wants you to do. Not what you feel like doing in that moment, and not what you are currently doing now. Ask Him specifically if there is anything He wants you to do. If so, I think He will tell you. Maybe not immediately, but He will. And then, you must have the courage to follow His plan.

Want a powerful devotional series to follow? In this 15 day devotional series, we dive in deep to your recovery journey. Not ready for 15 days? Then try my FREE 3 day sample!

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