AHHHH!!! I am so excited to show you what I’ve been working on for the upcoming month!! Journaling, even for just a few minutes a day, is so important while we are recovering. I have made a calendar of Recovery Journal prompts for March 2020. I am going to be posting these the week BEFORE the new month starts so that you have enough time to get this printed (old school, I know), or saved to your phone.

March 2020 Recovery Journal Prompts, ED Recovery, Addiction Recovery, Taking Back control.

Our theme this month is ACTION. Taking action over our recovery and deciding that we have control, not the addiction, the behaviors or the Eating Disorder is so important in our recovery journey.

So… what are we doing here?

Together, we are going to be journaling daily. Get a journal, and start writing. Through these journal prompts, we are going to choose to put ourselves first and put our recovery into action. Let’s see what happens when we take action to fight the addiction and behaviors. Let’s see what happens when we choose to put ourselves first instead of our Eating Disorders or other addictions.

The Plan

Step 1: Get a journal, a piece of paper, literally anything, and start writing. I would LOVE for you to do this in the morning, before you get going with your day. Obviously though, do them when you need to do them. As long as you get them done sometime during your day!

Step 2: Follow the plan DAILY. These journal entries can be as short or as long as you want them to be. Take 3 minutes, 3 hours…. whatever you need is what you give yourself!

Step 3: Tell me about it! I’m not asking you to share your entries with me! Just let me know that you are following along with me using the hashtag #recoveryinaction and tag me (@heightsinheels) on Instagram. Maybe show me a picture of your adorable journal? I absolutely adore journals!

And here is your March 2020 Recovery Calendar!

Eating Disorder Recovery, Recovery Action plan, Recovery Journal Prompts

To download the calendar, click below!

Want this emailed to you? Sign up for my email list down below and I will send it to you, along with some weekly encouragement, as well as action graphics that you can save as phone wallpapers.

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I can’t wait to follow this plan along with you and hopefully hear how you were able to take action towards your recovery goals this month.

Have questions, comments or concerns? Want to chat? Email me at: [email protected]

Want to read my Eating Disorder Recovery Story? Or see some of the devotionals about recovery? Check these out throughout my blog.