For those of you with anxiety, ED, depression or other mental health problems, not having your usual routine of your day job might be really causing you a lot of stress. I get it. I’m stressed too! My snack times are off, my lunch is off… it’s been a rough first day! Through all of this stress, we must remember that social distancing is key right now! And, adaptability is always a skill that we need to improve. Here I hope to share some tips on how to keep some structure in your day and also give you some ideas on what to do with your time!

#1- Make a schedule

This schedule doesn’t have to be anything elaborate, but it will give you an idea of things to do. It will also help you plan your meals and remember when you are supposed to be eating if that is something you are still struggling with. I have put my sample schedule below! You can also easily make this with a piece of paper.

Sample Schedule

#2- Plan out your meals

Planning your meals and meal times right. now is essential! Make sure that you have some handy groceries and fast snacks. It might also be a good idea to set an alarm to help you remember when you are supposed to be having your meals and snacks. As a teacher, I literally have bells that go off during the day that tell me when I am supposed to eat. At home, I have to be more self-reliant! I am setting alarms myself for a few days just to give myself a nudge that it’s lunchtime! You need a plan for ALL meals and snacks! Don’t let your ED give you an excuse to back out of this on!

#3- Pick something fun to do for a few hours

Have a show on your Netflix list that you have been putting off? Want to see that movie that you forgot to watch last year? Now is the time to do it girl! I am putting my Netflix recommendations below! Or maybe you want to read a book? Here is my list of favorite adult books that you may want to check out! I love a good romance, a political thriller and a psychological thriller. If those sound like your kind of books as well, pick one of these up!

Netflix Recommendations

#4- Clean out THAT closet

You know the one that you’ve been putting off for more than 6 months. The closet that you’re scared to open? Now is the time to tackle it! Fill up the garbage bags with trash, and put the donation items in a box to take to your local goodwill or habitat store once the quarantine has lifted.

#5- Meditate

Try it. I know you’ve heard that it is good for you. You may think that it will be weird. It’s not! It is such a great thing to quiet the mind when it gets loud. I really enjoy using the calm app!

#6- Journal

Look at my Recovery Journal Prompts for March and try them out! I think that they will really help you to get to know yourself over the next few weeks.

#7- Follow me on social media!

You can find me on Instagram @heightsinheels and on Pinterest!

#8- Shop the sales

It seems that EVERY STORE is having a sale right now! Check out the things that I hauled this weekend and pick up those adorable spring pieces for great prices! Most stores are even offering free shipping. Now is the time to buy for your Spring Wardrobe! Here is my J. Crew Factory Haul, Loft Haul, and my Banana Republic Factory Haul or maybe even my 4 must have spring bag picks!

What are you doing to pass the time? How are you staying connected without seeing your people? Let me know in the comments below!