About Me
I’m Kendall!
Welcome to Heights in Heels- a place for Christian Women struggling with mental health.
As an Eating Disorder Survivor (read my story here!) who also struggles with panic and anxiety disorder, I know how it feels to be completely lost in your own mind, not able to hear your own thoughts. I understand the terror that comes with a panic attack. I have experienced that fight or flight sensation when there is nothing happening around you.
What I’m saying is, I’ve been there too. Struggling with mental health is seen as a weakness by the world, but it is a weakness that I want to bring into the Light. What we keep hidden, what we are ashamed of, what we run from- those are the areas of our lives that God wants to heal.
I believe that healing happens intentionally. By focusing on creating routines that honor God, I believe that we can combat the lies that the enemy has implanted in us. Using positive, CHRISTIAN affirmations, established routines that revolve around God, and devotionals, we can uproot these thoughts and replace them with the truths of God.
Why “Heights In Heels?” My husband, Nolan, isn’t scared of much. He’s a police officer and a hostage negotiator. The only thing that he is scared of? Heights! When describing my panic attacks, my anxiety, and my Eating Disorder, I would often use the analogy of heights. With panic attacks, it feels like you have been pushed off this high cliff and you know that you are going to die but you just can’t seem to stop falling. With anxiety, you feel like you are being forced up the highest mountain and you are terrified of what’s at the top, so you just worry about it. With an Eating Disorder, you are being asked to willingly jump off of a mountain 3-5 times a day while everyone around you says that it’s not a big deal, while to you, it’s a HUGE deal.
And that’s the origin story! As a short girl, I wear heels all the time. So, Heights in Heels was born. Every day, I face mountain after mountain. I have learned to climb them in my 6-inch heels and jump every day. Some days the heights are small rolling hills, other days the heights are cliffs or mountains. Either way, I make the conscious choice to continually climb the heights that God has ordained. And every day, I become more resilient and more faithful.
I hope that the resources on this website can help you to climb your own heights of mental health. I pray that with them, you are able to jump into living this life as God intended you to, not sitting and just looking at the heights praying that they will go away.
On this little space of the internet, I hope that you take some time to poke around. I publish weekly devotionals to help you through your tough times. Make sure to sign up for my email list below to get these sent to your inbox weekly!
Give me a follow on Social Media! I’m on Instagram @heightsinheels and on Facebook and Pinterest at Heights In Heels
I’ve launched Christian Life Coaching! I am so excited to get to finally meet some of you that I’ve talked online to for over a year! Read More HERE or, schedule a visit with me below.