Want to start at the beginning of this Eating Disorder Devotional series? Make sure the check that out here!
1 Peter 4:8- “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins”
Anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and other mental illnesses make us do a lot of things that we wouldn’t normally do. Saying things we don’t mean out of sadness, anger, anxiety or fear happens often. Doing things we don’t want to do because we feel like we have to do it happens more than we would care to admit. All of these mental illnesses though, are very self-focused. They are about self-preservation, self-worth, how beautiful we might be, or how we may have come across. What are others thinking about us? If they aren’t thinking about us, then how can I make them notice me? Thoughts about ourselves run through our minds a mile a minute. Sometimes so fast we can’t even get them to slow down to hear what they are saying. The central message is all the same though: I need control. It is about me.
Did I just hurt your feelings? Did I just go to far? And maybe my assessment doesn’t apply to you. But it sure applies to me. Most of my thoughts are about myself. I’m going to ask you a really hard question now. Do you think about others? Not in relation to you. Do you wonder how others are feeling? Do you check on others when you think they might be upset? Do you care when others are going through a hard time?
When I was deep in my eating disorder, my answer would be no to each and every one of those questions. Everything in my mind was so focused on how I was feeling and my actions that I couldn’t think about others. Friends, that’s right where the enemy l wanted me. I was so focused on my short-comings, my self-worth, my issues, my wellness that I didn’t think of anyone else. I didn’t think about how I was hurting them, or what they might be going through, or if they had any outside issues. All I thought about was how much mental anguish I was in.
Shifting our focus to others, to LOVING others, caring about others, is so important on this journey to recovery. Eating disorder and anxiety are all about self. Learning to think about others will not only help you, it will also help others. Loving others helps us love ourselves. Thinking and caring about others is so important in your walk with God, but also in your walk towards recovery.
What can you do today that is totally selfless? Think of one way you can love another human being on this earth and do that. You will be happy, and they will be happy. Do that again tomorrow. You may even come to love yourself more. Reaching out to others for selfless purposes will make you so happy. Even if they resist it, you know that you have tried, and that will make you happy as well.
Want a powerful devotional series to follow? In this 15 day devotional series, we dive in deep to your recovery journey. Not ready for 15 days? Then try my FREE 3 day sample!
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Want to read my Eating Disorder Recovery Story? See that there is HOPE with God!