Romans 12: 9-13: “Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.”

Has anyone told you that your Eating Disorder was evil? But man do we cling to it! Clinging to something that is evil will never bring you your desired results. It will never bring you happiness, the control, the love that you so desperately seek. It will only bring you sorrow and heartache. 

Do you remember when you were at the lowest point in your ED? I can almost bet that there were tears. That wasn’t happiness. And if your eating disorder is telling you today that it is going to bring you happiness and control then it is lying to you! 

Instead of clinging to what is evil, we need to be clinging to what is good! Which is recovery, listening to God in our lives, and living out our God given purpose no matter what the enemy in our brain is saying to us. 

God’s love for us is a sincere one, and He wants us to cling to Him. This passage says that we have to keep our spiritual fervor while serving the Lord. God did not put your beautiful soul on this planet so that you could listen to the enemy in your mind tell you that you aren’t good enough. The Lord put you on this planet for a purpose that only you can fulfill. Serving the Lord should be our number one priority, not listening to your ED. 

When we are listening to the Lord and we are following our purpose when things unexpected come up, we have to be ‘patient in affliction and faithful in prayer’. Instead of racing to the ‘finish line’ of recovery, we need to have the patience to finish the race the right way. The way that God wants us to finish it: by His side, praying to Him, listening to Him, and doing what He is telling us to do. That will lead to a true recovery. And it may be a long, slow process. But that’s okay. The Lord didn’t put us here to check off the recovery boxes. He put us here to grow us in our faith and our walk with Him. 

Choosing to listen and cling to the Lord and not your ED is hard at first. I’m not going to lie and tell you it’s easy. It’s not. But the more that you continue to choose the Lord over what your mind is telling you to do, the closer and closer you will get to the recovered life you want. The more you will cling to the Lord and the more your life will be what God intended it to be. That’s where we want to be in life, no matter what.  

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