Want to read my ED devotional #17 on Powerful Prayers first? Great idea! Then, hop back over to this one!
Job 42:1- 2- “Then Job replied to the Lord: I know that you can do all the things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted.”
Going back to your ‘old life’ after time spent in treatment or while you are trying to recover is really hard. No one really prepared me for that, not even my treatment team. When I went back to my job, I expected to be able to do all of the things that I had done before. I expected myself to be this new and improved version that didn’t struggle.
But that thought is absolutely ridiculous. And it wasn’t until 4 months after I left treatment that I finally admitted what others around me had kept telling me. I can’t do it all. Physically or mentally. I have watched women around me ‘do it all’ my entire life. My mother is a fabulous woman who literally never says no. She runs around and does everything for everyone, and is an absolutely phenomenal person. My best friend Cheryl is also like this. She does it all at her job, for her daughter, and for me. I’ve also never seen her say no to anyone. I want to be like these influential women in my life. I want to do it all!
Cheryl and my mom have one very important difference though from me: they can adequately deal with stressors in their life in a healthy way. When I am stressed, I deal with it by not eating. Your disorder may be triggered in another way, however, stress is a huge trigger.
Finally admitting that I cannot do it all, that I have to put down something in my life so that I can have balance was so difficult. But, it is okay.
I am here to tell you today that you do not have to have it all together. That you do not have to do all of the things that people are expecting you to do. Make a list of all of them, pray about it, then drop what God tells you to drop. Because you know who can do all the things? GOD! God can do all the things! And if He is telling you to drop something, drop it. You are causing yourself unnecessary stress by holding onto something that God has told you to put down. ‘I’m going to disappoint someone, I don’t want to let anyone down,’ may be your next thoughts.
God can handle all things. God will call someone else to do that thing if it is important, I promise. Because God is orchestrating everything in this life of ours, and He can do all things!
When I think about all of the things going on in the world right now with social distancing, literally everything being canceled and being in our homes I know that God is asking us to look at our priorities. What is really important? Which friends of yours are toxic and which are God-given? What is your relationship with technology and how is it interfering with your time with God? What do you need to drop once this is all over to live a God-centered life instead of a self-centered one?
All the things are not that important. What’s important is how you are living your life for Christ. How are you treating the people around you in this difficult time? How are you treating God?
Today, I encourage you to stop doing all the things. Talk to God about it. Then, drop what He tells you to. It will be clear what you need to do.
I hope that my Eating Disorder Recovery story will inspire you to start and continue your own journey. Recovery is possible!
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Want a powerful devotional series to follow? In this 15 day devotional series, we dive in deep to your recovery journey.
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