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Psalm 126:5 “Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy”
Our eating disorders always have to do with an emotion. We don’t want to feel the emotion so we will do anything to distract ourselves from it, even if it is just for a few moments. To get a few moments of ‘peace’. To have some ‘control’ in the situation. Sadness and depression are emotions that can really be hard to deal with, whether you have an eating disorder or not. What do we do when our hearts and souls are heavy with grief that we sometimes can’t explain?
Instead of feeling sad, sometimes we chanel that sadness into another emotion, like anger, guilt, shame, or even anxiety. But at the root, sadness is still there. What about that overwhelming sadness? The sadness that is so deep that you can’t feel any other emotion and all you can do is break?
All of our emotions are in us for a reason and a purpose. However, when we block them out by using maladaptive behaviors (such as eating disorder ones!) we are not letting ourselves feel the depth of the emotion.
I know that sad is a hard emotion to feel. When you’re so sad you feel like you’re breaking, I encourage you to look up to the Lord. Look up and cry out. God wants you to cry! Crying does not make you weak, it helps you feel. Crying is a good thing for a little while. Cry until you can’t cry anymore. That’s when you’ve felt the emotion sweet friend.
I want you to know that it is okay to feel sad. It is okay to have depression. God does not love you or care about you any less because of how you are feeling. With Him, you do not need to fake anything. The next time you’re sad, or if you’re sad right now, go to your Father, who loves and cares about you. Go to your Father whose arms are open, ready to accept your sadness and tears. Cry out to Him.
This verse holds a beautiful promise. When we sow our tears with our Father, and give all of our worries, cares, and sadness to Him, eventually we will reap songs of joy. Joy will come! Be patient. Wait with the Lord while you are sad. He is always there for you.
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