Psalms 18:1- “I love you Lord, my strength.”

Where do you find your strength? Where do you put your trust?

For a long time, I put my trust into my Eating Disorder. The thoughts made sense in my head- the logic seemed clear. If I followed ED rules, I would be safe. I wouldn’t have to face any scary emotions (or foods!) and I could be in control. 

I thought that my rules were so strong in my head BECAUSE they were keeping me safe! I was SO wrong. And if your Eating Disorder, addiction, anxiety or depression is giving you rules, it’s time to break them. 

Is your anxiety telling you not to leave the house? It’s time you stepped onto your front porch today. 

Is your depression saying that you can’t get out of bed? Time to take a walk around the house. 

Is your Eating Disorder telling you that you can’t eat past 7:00? It’s time to eat something (ANYTHING!) at 7:30. 

By doing something (even something REALLY SMALL) that fights these rules in your head, you are winning. You have to start small to see that you can overcome- that you won’t die from going against the rules. 

Before you get up and do that thing that scares the living daylights out of you, PRAY

Pray for God to help you do it. Pray for peace as you go about it. Pray for strength to actually do it. 

Then, TRUST that He is going to be with you, and get up. 

Get up and put your trust where it is supposed to be- not in the rules, but in our Father. When we put our trust in the Lord and HIS strength instead of our own, that’s where we find peace. We find out that we don’t have to be in control of every little thing. We find out that holding on to that control so tightly is what is causing us so must stress and anxiety in the first place. While trying to get away from the emotion, we actually made the emotion stronger, giving it more power in our minds. 

Feeling the fear and doing it anyway is where you are going to find freedom. 

Feel the fear, and eat the cake. 

Feel the fear, and get out of bed. 

Feel the fear and GO! Live the life that GOD wants for you- one free of all of this fear, worry and sadness!

It’s not going to happen overnight, and everyday isn’t going to be easy. It’s going to be hard and difficult- but you WILL feel freedom. 

You just have to put your trust in the right place: In HIM, not the rules. In HIM, not the fear. In HIM, no the circling thoughts.

Want a 15 day devotional about fear of change? Check out this devotional series that I wrote JUST for that! Transitions will help you see that these changes in your life that are so scary are bringing you to places of great joy and gratitude in your life!

Need help with meal journaling? I’ve got a month long food journal ready for you to print out right now! And this one is RECOVERY focused, with scripture and motivation for you daily!

Want to read MORE devotionals from my blog? Make sure to check out my Devotionals Page as well as my Eating Disorder Recovery story. I hope that they inspire you to trust God to heal you.

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I am ALWAYS praying for you. If you have a prayer request, please email it to me and I will be so happy to pray for you and with you.

Make sure to follow me on Instagram @heightsinheels for daily inspiration and prayers!