Confidence. To truly have it, you have to trust something. For example, I have A LOT of confidence in airplanes. I have trust that they will get me where I need to go. I have faith that they aren’t going to crash. I get on an airplane without a second thought. Thinking about how the engine works, how the plane actually flies, or how those wheels can take the force of landing don’t ever cross my mind.
But my confidence in my Creator? That waivers. I hate to admit it but it’s true. How can I trust something I don’t understand, like an airplane, to get me where I need to go and not kill me, but I can’t trust God with His plan for my life?
Why can’t I just get on the plane that God has created for me? I just need to get on! Instead, I question God about how I can possibly get where He is asking me to go instead of trusting that He will get me there in ways that I don’t understand. I ask God constantly about the mechanics, sometimes questioning Him so much that my own thoughts drown out the purpose. I end up resisting the plan because I don’t understand all of the pieces. I want control with God.
Job 42:2- “I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted.”
There is such confidence in this verse. It starts with ‘I know’, not ‘I think’.
When we KNOW that God can do all things, we don’t doubt the outcomes of situations. We don’t doubt our circumstances. We don’t doubt when other people’s opinions are loud around us. We just jump when He say’s jump. We don’t question, we do. Serving God requires actual action, not just thinking about the plan that God has for your life. God has a purpose for you, that is pulling you to do what you were created for! But the enemy uses these questions to make us doubt.
Suddenly, ‘I know’, becomes ‘I think. Suddenly because we have questioned and not followed, we have doubted God’s plan for us. Suddenly, the enemy is controlling what we are doing and not God.
That’s how fast it happens. That’s how we get in a lot of these horrible situations in life. It’s how the enemy’s lies take over in our minds. Thoughts of ‘I’m not enough’ for God’s plan become the excuses that we use and then the beliefs about ourselves.
But the great news is that even if you’ve doubted, even if you’ve resisted, God is still in control. He knew that you would doubt and resist. He knew what situations and circumstances that would bring into your life. He knew what lies the enemy would make you believe.
And the best part? God is going to use that part of your story to make other believers, other disciples for Him. God is going to use that pain, that disordered thinking, that hurt and that guilt to raise you up and make you into the person that He wanted you to be anyway.
He is going to give you the confidence to go where the enemy said that you couldn’t go and the voice to say what the enemy said that you couldn’t say.
The enemy can try, but he will FAIL because God’s purpose and His will always prevails, no matter what.
Even when things look bad, God is in control. When we loose confidence in ourselves we can always remain confident in God.
Your past is not your future. But it is going to take action on your part. It is going to take you standing up to the enemy every day and falling to your knees in prayer every morning and every night. Breaking old habits and old rules that have kept you in a box in your mind is how you are going to finally get onto the plan that God has for your life.
You have to start now. You have to start making those DAILY choices that are going to get you where God wants you to go. And we have to make peace with not knowing the outcome.
When God asked me to start a blog 3 years ago, I refused. That seed remained in my head though. God wanted me to write. He wanted me to write about mental health and uplifting women! But I refused to do it. I didn’t think that I was qualified. I worried about other’s opinions. I know other people in my life that are MUCH smarter than me and who knew way more about the Bible.
When life hit me hard, when the enemy got so loud that I was finally diagnosed with an eating disorder, I knew that I had to stop listening to the enemy speaking in my mind and I had to start doing things GOD’S way.
I had to stop questioning God, my self-worth, knowledge, experience, other’s opinions, and my own beliefs about myself. I had to just GO with it. It didn’t matter anymore that I didn’t know the outcome. I couldn’t live another day not doing what God wanted me to do knowing that the enemy’s goal was to literally kill me with my thoughts.
So, I started praying everyday before treatment. I started doing a Bible Study in the car before I walked into those doors. I started writing affirmations about who I was to the Lord and what HE thought of me. I started writing about what He said about peace, love, fear, anxiety, sadness and anger. I started learning and yearning for more of Him. I read them during treatment at meals, and at hard times during sessions. I constantly had to remind myself who God made me to be.
And slowly, I broke out of that shell that the Eating Disorder and the enemy had put me in. Slowly, I started to become the ME that God created, with the will and desire to fulfill my purpose in HIM. He started watering the seed He planted years before, and the blog started forming in my mind.
I didn’t think or question this time, I just did. I just jumped in with both feet. Every time I prayed, I prayed that God would use this blog for HIS purpose and HIS glory, not mine. I prayed for anyone who read it, that they would feel God here. I prayed and I posted on this little corner of the internet. I researched ways to grow this blog’s presence.
And now? I have hundreds of readers a month. I have over 1 million views on pinterest a month. I have a small, but growing, instagram presence. I have an email list that is much larger than I would have ever imagined. Women reach out to me about their Eating Disorders and confidence struggles. They reach out to me about the Lord! Women repost my pins and my Instagram posts are added to people’s stories.
Now? I lead a DAILY Bible Study on Instagram FOR FREE.
I’m not saying this to brag, I’m saying this to SHOW what God can do when you let Him in the drivers seat of your life.
See? Do you see now? I had to hop on the plane. I had to let go of my idea of what I wanted and get on board with God’s purpose for my life. I had to let go of my idea of perfect and the enemy’s plan for my life that felt ‘safe’.
God’s plan can sound so scary when He asks us to do something- like start a blog or post on Instagram, or share our faith, or WHATEVER he is asking us to do. The enemy will tell you all of the reasons that you aren’t qualified. But God? He doesn’t care about what qualification that the enemy has given you, what the world thinks about you, or what you think of your own abilities. He knows what you are actually capable of and what you were made to do.
Because HE created YOU! Have confidence in that. If you don’t have any faith or trust in yourself yet, start with this simple statement of confidence: I KNOW THAT GOD HAS A PURPOSE FOR MY LIFE.
I know, not ‘I think.’
I know, not’ I’m not enough.’
I know, not ‘I’m not worthy.’
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Also, make sure to join my Self-Confidence Devotional Series for the month of September! If you do this at another time, I’ve got ALL of the Instagram posts of me doing the devotional saved to my highlight reel!
Also, make sure to check out my shop for other goodies!
To follow me on Instagram, search @heightsinheels ! To follow me on Pinterest, search ‘Heights In Heels’
I am AWLAYS praying for you,
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