Judgement. We all worry about what other people think constantly. The need to be perfect in other’s eyes often drives our actions more than our purpose or what we want to be doing ever will.

As a recovering perfectionist, I know those thoughts well. Agreeing with something just so that you don’t have to have a confrontation. Having your ‘face’ on before you walk out the door. Not showing emotion outside of your home. Hiding behind a smile when you are actually anything but happy. Striving to always go above and beyond when those around you are putting in minimal effort.

When we decide to choose our purpose over perfection in our lives, we slowly start to become the version of ourselves that we are meant to be.

Perfection is a LIE. It is a lie that the enemy has told us to keep us focused on the wrong thing. When we are more focused on whether or not we are liked and accepted instead of doing what we were created to do, then we will never live out our full purpose from God.

I remember when God put it on my heart a year ago to start this blog. The thoughts that I had were so intrusive and so hurtful, I’m still surprised that I did it! I was so worried about the judgement from others.

Perfection is always telling us that we aren’t enough. But for God, for His purpose in our lives, we are always enough.

Perfection repeatedly told me that I wasn’t smart enough, capable enough, or technologically advanced enough to figure out how to blog successfully. But the one that held me back the most? The lie that told me I wasn’t ‘christian’ enough to be writing devotionals for women in recovery.

But God, repeatedly, told me that I was. He kept putting it on my heart that I was enough, even if I didn’t believe it, HE believed in me.

That is faith.

Doing something that you don’t think you can for the sole reason that God told you to.

I jumped and started this blog, almost 1 full year ago. The impact that it has made in my life and has made in the lives of so many people globally who are also striving to live in recovery is still remarkable to me.

While we are waiting to be perfect, our purpose might pass us by. We have to start DOING what God has told us to do instead of waiting for the right circumstances.

In eating disorder treatment, they encourage you to eat, even when the emotions are overwhelming. What they are trying to teach you is that your emotions don’t have to control your actions. I think that God had to teach me this particular lesson in multiple ways.

First, He had to teach me with food. He had to teach me that my eating did not depend on whatever scary and overwhelming emotion that I was feeling in that instance. Then, He had to teach me that following Him wasn’t about my emotions either. Following Him, much like eating food, is about faith. Faith that the food won’t kill me, and faith that He will lead me down a path towards my purpose.

Since choosing purpose over perfection, I have seen God work so many miracles in my life. Not only can I eat my meals without fear, I can talk to people about the Lord. I can write. I can manage a blog. I can create products. I can inspire others. I can create a style blog! I can do anything I want to do in this world because the fear of being perfect isn’t what is controlling me anymore.

What controls me is His purpose in my life. And His purpose? For me to live a life FULL of experiences that glorify Him. If people judge me? So what? What matters is that I am living for God, not other people’s approval now.

When you choose purpose over perfection, you will slowly see your life start to change into exactly what God had in store for you. You have to let go of the chains that perfection has wrapped around you. You might think that those chains are the ones that are holding you hostage, but in reality, all you have to do is let go of your tight grip on those chains and choose to not pick them up again.

The chains of perfection might be something that you are used to. They might feel comfortable when they aren’t constricting you. And at first, the freedom of perfection might feel scary because those perfection rules aren’t ruling your life anymore.

God will always be there to help you and guide you towards your purpose in Him. He will always be there to remind you that REAL freedom isn’t found in the chains of comfort that have been wrapped around you so long. Real freedom can only come from Him, by letting go of those chains and following Him towards your purpose.

Want to read more about perfection or fear? Make sure to click these links!

Join us as we read through the entire new testament this year! It is so amazing reading about Jesus’s life and the establishment of the church. You can pick up and start at any time and customize the calendar to you!

Where to find me on social media:

Inspirational Instagram: @heightsinheels

Style and Fashion Instagram: @heightsinheels

Style and Fashion YouTube Chanel: Heights In Heels Style

Inspirational and Style Tik Tok: heightsinheelsstyle

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